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Marketing With Flyers/Sell Sheets

Whether you specialized in B2B or B2C transactions, marketing with flyers and/or sell sheets can be very beneficial for your business. Although flyers and sell sheets both can be used for advertising, flyers are typically use to encourage B2C sales while sell sheets are used to promote B2B sales. Flyers and sell sheets are similar in many ways and when presented correctly; they can be an effective marketing tool. When done properly, a business card should convey both you, and your company’s dominance. The color, content, design, typography, paper, as well as the size of a business card will act as clear signals to a potential client about who you are and what you stand for. When creating a business card it is equally important to convey an important message, as well as have your card stand out amongst all the other cards.

Business to Customer (B2C) Flyers

Through the use of flyers, almost any business can successfully advertise their product to the public. Posting them throughout the town as well as handing out flyers to people walking by is a great way to increase public attention. When your flyer is received by a civilian, you typically have about two seconds to grab the viewer’s attention and persuade them not to throw it out and continue reading. Whether you are handing out your flyers or placing them in mailboxes, a catchy headline is imperative. The headline must immediately hook the audience and convince them to continue reading. It is important to understand that simply having the headline as company’s name is not good enough; your headline should immediately give your reader an insight about your product. It is also very important (if possible) to visually show the audience your product. If your flyer contains a strong and attractive image along with a catchy headline, then your audience is bound to read it. For example, if we are advertising for a buffalo wing joint, then a catchy flyer will include an image of the “best looking” wings they have to offer. The top of the image will include a simple and catchy headline like “Best Buffalo and BBQ Wings in Town.” An important thing to note; you should always include your company name on the page in the second largest font size, located closely to the headline. After you have successfully caught the viewer’s attention and convinced them to continue reading; you now must describe the benefits of your product. The description on the flyer should give the reader one reason to select your company over the competition. It should also provide a list or a brief description of the benefits your product has to offer. This description should absolutely be no more than fifty words simply because people do not enjoy reading your flyer. Going back to our wing joint example; our description should be something like “We offer the highest quality and quantity of flavors that will leave you and your wallet full” Under this we can then list all the flavors we have to offer. It is also very important to always call for action in your flyer. Separate from the description, as its own headline, tell the customer what to do next. Tell them to visit your website, call your number, or even come into your store. Many companies actually call for action through the coupons provided at the bottom of the flyer. The reader can tear these coupons from the flyer and redeem them with their next purchase. Including valuable coupons that expire in a short time frame will ultimately convince the customer to shortly try your product. Going back to our wing example; we can include coupons in our flyer that offers viewers five free Caribbean BBQ wings when you spend twenty or more dollars. In this call for action we are not only trying bring in new clientele, but we are also trying to get the regulars to try our new flavor. . Flyers are quite easy to make and do not have to look too professional. They are very inexpensive way to get your message out to the public. Using bold headlines and images, as well giving the audience an incentive to purchase your items will ultimately increase your revenue. It is very important to frequently distribute your flyers in order to maximize your total responses. Your campaign will be successful as long as you constantly get your name out to the public in a presentable manner.

Business to Business (B2B) Sell Sheets

If business to business transactions embody your company’s growth, than promoting through sell sheets are the way to go. Sell sheets are very similar to flyers; however they look a lot more professional and include a lot more information. A lot more capital is at risk with this type of transaction and advertising to B2B clients can be difficult. In your sell sheet it is essential to make it look professional. You should choose a high quality paper with a variety of gloss and matte finishes. Since sell sheets are more expensive than flyers, strategic distribution is essential. Sell sheets are to be handed out to important people during trade shows, after sales meetings and appointments, as well as packing inserts. You could also distribute multiple sell sheets for numerous of products via presentation folders. Although sell sheets are just like flyers, there are a couple of different things that you want to include. You still need a catchy header and image to catch the reader’s attention. In sell sheets you might also want to include all the quotes, highlights, charts, and graphs that involve your product. All useful information should be included as well as any feature and benefit you can offer your customers. Even though these customers tend to be highly educated, they still do not wish to read your sell sheet. Keep information short and try to structure them as bullets. Although you are including more than 50 words in your sell sheet, keep paragraphs short, organized, and readable. The manner by which you present your information within your sell sheet is going to be the key to your success. Interesting photos and attractive colors should be used to help reel in your audience. You should also use elaborate features such as boxes, arrows, and bullet points to steer the reader’s eyes to your product’s main sell points. How you present your description is very important as well. Thin margins of text with large boarders are visually appearing to the reader. Although three is the recommended amount, try to organize the description in at least two columns. These columns should contain thick boarders so that they are neatly spaced from one another. Lastly; you should also try to strategically leave blank spaces so that certain texts will stand out to the reader. Although sell sheets are a bit different than flyers, you should always remember to include an attractive header, insightful images, and brief descriptions in both advertisements. It is very important to always have your sell sheet and/or flyer call for action. After you gather your audience’s attention, you must always let them know about next step they need to take towards buying your product. If you properly present the information as well as distribute the sell sheets/flyers, than your company will see a great return on investment. The Marsid M&M Group can accommodate all your printing needs. We will print any quality, as well as any quantity of flyers or sell sheets. Our experienced staff can even help you design it to perfection. With our state of the art equipment, the finished goods you receive will exceed all expectations. Please visit our Sell Sheets and Flyers page for a free quote or contact us at (516) 334-1603.

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