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Setting up a PDF Document with Crops and Bleeds

Setting up and saving a design for print tends to be one of the most common issues people run into throughout the print process. These steps are essential for creating a high quality print with proper bleeds and margins. These quick video tutorials will show you how easy it is to set up your document and get it into production in no time!


define the inside box of your design where all valuable text and images. They provide a buffer zone to ensure no text accidentally prints off the edge of the page or is trimmed during production. The margins should be set at an 1/4″ on all sides and a 1/2″ if it is a side that will be perfect, spiral or wire-o bound.


is when images, colors or text extend to the edge of a printed page. Setting up a document properly with an 1/8″ bleed area all around will ensure that all printing covers the entire page, and that there are no white borders around your page. 

Setting Up A File For Print In Adobe Indesign

Setting Up A File For Print In Adobe Illustrator